As I’ve got technical education, I sometimes prefer rough data over some fancy storytelling. If you are one of my kind,  you can take a look at these numbers to really have an idea how I live nowadays.

Overall stats

Počet dnů na cestěDays traveling 1083
Celková vzdálenostTotal distance 24 641km
Navštíveno zemíCountries visited42
Navštíveno kontinentůContinents visited5
Největší denní vzdálenostBiggest day distance241.24 km
Maximální rychlostMaximum speed82.16 km/h
Zlomených špicBroken spokes47
Sjetých pneumatikWore down tyres8
Maximální počet dnů bez sprchyMaximum number of days w/o a shower21

Chronologic records

Cycling stats

These are records of my cycling computer, starting from day one. It tells much more than any map would do! You can see, where I wasn’t feeling good, where I rode through some steep hills, or where I just gave it up and stayed on the spot.

>> See Cycling stats


As one of the purposes of this journey is to show that you don’t need much to survive and to live your dream, I decided to publish and document all of my expenses on my way to China. ($1 is approx. 20 CZK)

>> See Expenses

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